
Ladyfairy's creations: sea style dress

Spring is definitely arrived! The meadows in bloom and the chrping of birds, are proofs of that. Unfortunately for us, with them is also arrived the heat that, in these days, is becoming unberable (today, we've touched 36 degrees! And we're still in june...). Is in these moments that I just want to take a break from study and work and take a long and deserved vacation, maybe to the sea in exotic and faraway places... Unluckily for me, I have to wait quite a while, but it costs nothing to dream, right?
And, thinking about it, I'll have the chance to choose and buy what I have to bring in my suitcase. And if has to be vacation, it can't miss, among my clothes, something inspired by one of the s/s trends that I loved the most: sea style (which I've talked about here).

Chanel fashion show s/s 2012

Taking a look to the stores, I have to admitt, I didn't find much, even if few weeks ago, I saw a lovely dress by Zara, inspired by this trend, that I immediately liked, but becuase of some extra outgoings, I couldn't buy it and reserve it for more than three days is impossible.
I went almost every day to the store to check that the dress was still there... Two weeks ago, I have finally received my salary so, as first thing, I decided to go to the shop and buy the dress: I come in and go to the stand... guess what? It was sold! I'm not going to takl about my disappointment, I had to console me with a pair of pants (I talked about them here)... and you who bought my dress: well, I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I would done!

Disappointment apart, I'm not the kind of girl who lose heart, so I've decided to create my sea style dress by my own!  I've always loved to sew my own clothes, so... that's my new creation! I hope my photos are good (the camera that I usually use is broken, so I folded my dear, old camera). Let me know what you think about it. In meanwhile, hugs and kisses.

With love, 

4 commenti:

  1. io lo indosserei subito!!^^ bravissima!! un bacione!!

    1. Grazie mille, sei sempre molto carina! Questa è una delle mie ultime "creazioni"... a breve posterò le altre!

  2. Nice dress, nice inspiration:)X



Thank you for stoppping by and commenting my posts... With love, Ladyfairy!