
The versatile blogger award

Today, after a hellish afternoon, I checked my blog and... surprise! I found I was nominated as "The versatile blogger award" by the lovely MsLeandro (http://spikesandstuds.blogspot.it/). It was a nice tought so... thank you so much dear!


So, here we are

  • Nominate 15 fellow blogger that you recently discovered or follow regularly;
  • Let them know you have nominated them;
  • Share 7 random facts about yourself;
  • Thank the blogger that have nominated you;
  • Add the versatile blogger award to your blog.

Here are my nominations. I regularly follow these blogs and I recommend them to you . All these blogger are very talented... 

  1. Since I was child, I've always had a deep passion for fashion. I like to create, experiment with my clothes and always looking for the right accessories... so I decided to become a fashion blogger and share my creations and my opinions with everyone;
  2. My mother is a seamstress, so I've inherited by her my skills in sewing. I love to sew my own clothes. It's very funny to choose fabrics and create always new models!
  3. I have a huge, huge passion for shoes... of every type or color!
  4. I love to travel so much. The best journey I've ever done was 4 years ago, in Paris... I will always bring it into my heart;
  5. I'm vegetarian: I saw what happens at butcher's shops and I love animal too much to eat them!
  6. I like 50's fashion: it's so feminine and chic and reminds me my grandma's old pictures;
  7. I disperately love fashion and I hope to work for a fashion magazine, one day (it would be a true dream to me!).
I hope you guys enjoyed my random fact. Take a look to blogs all above, they really whort it!

With love,

9 commenti:

  1. I love shoes, too!

    Thanks for sharing these facts! :)

  2. oh darling thank you so much ;) and we are very similiar, i also love the 50´s and i love to sew my own clothes!

  3. Thanks sweetie for sharing this award with me!
    I'm really happy!


  4. Thank you so much for sharing this award with me! :D
    A big kiss,


  5. Oh, this is the first time that i came here!
    Like your blog, and i'm following yet.
    Please visit my blog too and say what you think.. and who knows that you can be my next follower!

  6. ahhh ti ringrazioooooo!!!:D:D:D gentilissima e complimenti a te per il tuo blog, sempre molto utile e ricco di info!!:) mi sono piaciute le tue risposte!:) anche io amo gli animali!:) un abbraccio cara!!

  7. thank you dear ♥

    is a pleasure.

  8. Ciao cara! Grazie tantissimo per la nomination!!! Non avevo prima il tempo per ringraziare. Anche io ADOOORO anni 50' - anche per il trucco, per le donne come erano super femminile. Buona domenica. Xoxo V.V.


Thank you for stoppping by and commenting my posts... With love, Ladyfairy!