
My interview for e-Saldi

In days of sales, you know, the way of shopping are endless and, thanks to the help of internet, is always more easy and comfy! Then, exsist some web sites made specifically for us shopping addicted... one of these sites is e-Saldi, always at click, which I've talked about here.

After my collaboration whit e-Saldi, they made me a little interview. Be interviewed was a particular experience to me, but, as Andy Warhol said, "All publicity is good publicity" so, if you want, you can take a look to my interview in italian (clicking here)  or read the here english version.

What be a fashion blogger does mean to you?
Ahahah! The idea that someone might consider me a fashion blogger makes me laugh! Maybe I had! I consider my blog as bloc-notes dedicated to fashion.
Talking about me, I can dare to say that I have fashion in my DNA. My grandma was what today we might call fashion addcited (I still keep jealously some pieces of her collection of bags and shoes) and my mother is an almost fashion designer. So I grew up with needle and thread and since I was a child I was enchanted watching my mother sew amazing fabrics with laces and embroidery, learning from her the art of the creation. Growing up my love for fashion has been refined and so has been my love for writing- From there, the idea to create a blog and put on it my opinions and my creations. I don't consider myself a fashion blogger in the usual mean of term, and I think that those who are fashion bloggers (or want to be) should try to be more "democratic" and be a bridge between the fashion system and those who benefit, trying to be always objective and original. However, there aren't just great outfits and personal pictures.

What is the hardest or the most difficult part of your job?
trying to be always original and never repetitive, and always looking for new and interesting things and talented emerging artists. I've created in my blog an heading dedicated to the relationship between fashion and art. Another difficulty is to menage thousands of ideas that I have in my head and that often I have to them away because of lack of technical support. Anyway, I don't mind doing it, because I love what I do and I try to make visible this passion in my posts.

What the biggest satisfaction?
The biggest satisfaction... well, definitely when people interact with me and know to be helpful, that what I write affects someone, even minimally. Another satisfaction is when my followers write me back, complementing me, saying that they appreciate my opinions and that they followed my suggestions... and with no doubt, to have made know to my followers, amazing illustrators, their works and their dreams...

Could you think, in the future, to be fashion blogger by profession?
I'd love to, but the career of fashion bloggers by profession is very elitist, there's much competition, often is about people who have a background of studies and years of experience in this field. In this kind of work are very important your knowledge, the talent and the ability to sell your image in a successful way. So, I understand that it's very hard. But I don't hide that it would be a dream to me, who love fashion in its every shades, to work in this field and, right now, I'm working to make it happen so... I keep my fingers crossed!

What do you care the most in your blog?
There's not a part that I care most. I consider my blog as a my "creature", so I take care of it at 360 degrees, from the choice of posts to graphics, from the selection of the pictures to the final layout, to the constant interaction with my followers. Many people don't even imagine how many work there's behind every single post. My being fussy leads me to take care of every little detail.

What catches your attention in everyday life? (in terms of fashion-lifestyle)
I'm an eclectic person,  so I'd say everything! I do a constant "contaminatio" using contemporary art, jazz music, lit street at night, so suggestive and fascinating, people on the street, the biggest fashion icons like Audrey and Marilyn, that I try to reinterpret in always new ways and, above all, the writers of the past. I have a huge passion for Jane Austen and the characters of her novels, but not only... I try to imagine authoritarian and disenchanted women struggling with the modern fashion system. A big challenge, but also a great mix! I have a special attraction for buttons, they can tell the story of a dress. But what catches my attention the most is the general care of details and see how people interpret fashion by their own, giving a concrete idea of what fashion really is.

What would you suggest to those who want to become fashion blogger but don't know where to start?
I started embracing the quote of O. Wilde "One should either a work of art, or wear a work of art", trying to interpret it fully. Said this, I suggest to do it if you really have a passion for fashion and not because is something that everybody does. I'd also suggest to always keep your eyes open and saty tuned, to try to always be original, to do not overdo and to don't ever take yourself too seriously. I wish to all future fashion blogger, and to me, good luck!

I hope you liked it. Big kisses and I see you next time!

4 commenti:

  1. Congratulation on the interview dear <3
    You deserve it!

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  2. Very nice! Now we know a little bit more about you. Congratulations for the good you do to art and fashion.

  3. complimenti cara, mi sono piaciute tutte le risposte:) un abbraccio e buon weekend!:*

  4. I really like your answers! Enjoyed reading the interview a lot.. :)


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