
Adele: young promise of fashion?

Flash fashion news: it seems sure a next fashionable collection for Adele. The singer, defined by Karl Lagerfeld "too fat", rumors has it, would be contacted by Christopher Bailey, creative director of the brand Burberry, after their first collaboration for Grammys and Brit Awards, (he designed the dresses worn by the singer), for the realization of a "plus-size" collection, dedicated to curvy and fashionable women.

We don't know anything more about this collaboration. An insider said: "Adele has always had an interest in fashion and Christopher is keen to get her involved because she knows exactly what suits her and likes to be involved in the creative process".

After Beth Ditto, leader of the band The Gossip (model for John Galliano, she also designed a sunglasses collection and a make up collection for MAC), another curvy icon enters in fashion world. 

What do you think about? Will Adele leave a mark?

8 commenti:

  1. non lo sapevo, sono curiosa di vedere cosa farà ora! un bacio!

  2. Wow! Adele looks stunning!


  3. interessante il tuo blog, mi fai scoprire cose che non sapevo, grazie!mi sono appena iscritta, se ti va di ricambiare, ti aspetto, ciao!http://ledeliziedivanna.blogspot.it/

  4. Che bel blog! Passa se ti va, e se vuoi seguimi, ti seguo anche io! ^^

    xoxo Effy

  5. Oh mamma questa non la sapevo! Davvero una bella idea quella di Burberry, invece Karl è sempre il solito stronzetto ahahahahha


  6. A me lei non è mai piaciuta molto..Reb, xoxo.
    PS: Nuovo post sul mio blog dedicato alla fine
    dell'Estate, fammi sapere cosa ne pensi eccoti il link:

  7. Nice to hear this. I love this woman so much!


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