
Charity fashion show pro - AISM

As now you already get it, fashion is more than a simple passion to me. And when, thanks to a passion, you can do something good, it's really great!
Last September 22, in Palermo, in the nice location of  the club "Il circoletto", I attended to a charity night of fashion and solidarity organized by AISM, Multiple Sclerosis Italian Association, a disease that affects a milion of people in the world every year and for which are experimenting some cares. When they invited me, as fashion blogger, I was more than happy to give my contribution.

AISM president of Palermo, Marcello Oddo and his staff

The dresses presented ware several and realized with fabrics like silk, tulle, organza and chiffon for cocktail, night, ceremony and wedding dresses refined by lace, embroidery, coral and sequin inserts and matched with ethnical handmade accessories. A collection with great finish that gives a nod to Haute Couture, thought for several occasions.

The wedding dresses were very particular and the cocktail dresses have a nice retrò touch revisited in a more modern way. Nunzia La Rosa, designer for passion, started this collaboration with AISM long time ago and since few years cares the organization and the realization of dresses for the fashion show pro - AISM.

Here, some pictures stolen from backstage

 If you like it, visit my facebook page to see the rest of pictures

8 commenti:

  1. bravissima!!!! accostare il sociale al mondo del blog è una cosa molto bella ed importante!
    complimenti cara! continua cosi'...bellissimo blog!

  2. brava si...bellissima iniziativa! sono una tua nuova follower anna n 288 segui anche tu il mio blog cosi nn ci perdiamo di vista^_*

  3. bellissima iniziativa!complimenti!

  4. Veramente una bellissima iniziativa! tanti complimenti!

  5. Ciao! Questa mi sembra un'iniziativa davvero splendida e da apprezzare davvero!!!
    Anch'io ho un mio blog in cui parlo di moda, shopping, bellezza e dove pubblico i miei outfit! Se ti va passa a dare un'occhiata e potremmo seguirci a vicenda!!!

    Io adesso ti seguo con piacere con GFC BLOGLOVIN e FACEBOOK (follower 194)! Mi ritrovi su tutte queste piattaforme! Quindi se vogliamo seguirci a vicenda sarebbe un piacere per me!!! Ti va? :) a presto!!
    TheSparklingCinnamon BLOGLOVIN
    TheSparklingCinnamon FACEBOOK PAGE

  6. Mi piacciono questi eventi che hanno sfondo nel mondo del sociale,bellissimo post<3

  7. Love your blog! This photos are great!
    Do you want to follow each other on gfc and bloglovin or maybe also on Facebook?? Let me know posting on my blog :)

  8. Follow you too :)


Thank you for stoppping by and commenting my posts... With love, Ladyfairy!