
Christmas shopping with Young Republic

Hey guys! With each passing day, the sudden drop in temperatures and spiteful rains, the sunny and warm summer days are just a sweet memory that gives way to wishes and good intentions for the next Christmas now getting closer! I confess that every year I'm always a little hesitant about gifts to do to family and friends and, in spite every year I promise to myself to think about it in time, because of thousand demands of work and study, I always found myself buying gifts at last minute! But this time I decided to commit even more and active me starting from now to choose and buy gifts, why not, for me too!

Looking for some original ideas, I found myself visit the site of Young Republic (of which I talked about here). Especially for Christams time, you can find there the Christmas collections of young and talented indipendent designers.

If you're also looking for some ideas, I suggest you to take a look. Here some iteams that I decided to add to my wish list.
Barbarian Gipsy
Flights of Nancy
Violet Darkling
Eva Victoria - Hello Violeta

What do you think about?

4 commenti:

  1. Molto carine queste cose, mi piacciono le ultime borsette che hai postato:) Un bacio cara e buona domenica!:*

  2. bellissima la borsa viola eva victoria!!!! non la conoscevo!!!!! grazie i tuoi post mi illuminano sempre!

  3. carinissimo questo post :)

  4. Thanks for sharing. Maybe I should start with X-mas shopping already <3



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