
Fashion For Men by Yoko Ono

Odi et Amo: Fashion For Men by Yoko Ono

Few days ago I published an article that anticipated my new column Odi et Amo, saying that it would be officially started from jenuary. But after hearing this news I couldn't wait a minute more...
Rumor has it, the sprightly 79 years old Yoko Ono decided that, before pass away, she wants to try every possible job opportunity and taking example by other musicians who are devoted to fashion like Gwen Stefani, Rihanna and Adele, the last one in order of time, she also launched herself in the career of fashion designer, creating a menswear line, called "Fashion for Men," inspired by her deceased husband John Lennon. 

Nothing starnge, you may say. Everybody does it, why shouldn't she? There's reason, believe me! And if you take a look to it, it will be pretty clear. Please, take a minute of silence with me for the tragic death of good taste. The models seem to have been stolen from the closet of a metrosexual: tight pink shocking tulle t-shirts, sweatshirt with provocative drawings and pants with not very sensual transparences are the key pieces.

In my opinion they are really unwatchable, beyond the limits of the obscene. And that's okay, you're Yoko Ono and in 60's with John Lennon you were a symbol of nonconformism. That's okay that you don't want to homologate to the other people but from that to go out with a hand on the parcel printed on the pants, that's a lot of difference! And thinking that in her opinion this collection describes in few pieces John's <<very sexy body>>. Dear Yoko, are you sure that the poor John deserved this too? My answer is no!

And whereas I'm a really funny girl, I leave you as little gem, one of the last performances of Mrs Ono that I think describes her perfectly: a not well defined mix of orgasms and disperation that somebody uses to call "contemporary art"...

8 commenti:

Thank you for stoppping by and commenting my posts... With love, Ladyfairy!