
Lorena Balea Raitz

Art & Expression: Lorena Balea Raitz

This month for the section Art & Expression I will introduce to you a great talented artist that I discovered by chance few time ago. Actually, to be honest, she found me and I'm so glad she did because now I have the chance to talk about her in my blog. Her name is Lorena Balea - Raitz and it's a real big pleasure to me to present to all of you the "interview" she has issued for Ladyfairy's closet.

Tell about you. A short description of your life story.
My name is Lorena Balea - Raitz and I am 32 years old. I live in the beautiful Brisbane, Australia. I studied Fashion Design and Illustration in Timisoara, Romania. I guess my passion is at the same time my hobby as well. I create non stop. I illustrate for living and teach different workshops. I worked for many years in the fashion industry as fashion designer. I see myself living in Australia for the rest of my life. I have been living in Europe, USA and New Zealand, now I'm finally settled.

When your passion for art is born?
I guess my passion was born at the same time with me. Watching my mum and grandmother creating beautiful Romanian Point Lace made me want to create. I was always doing something with my hands. My first fashion show was when I was 15 in my school in Germany. The second breakthrough was in LA for my College show where Romanian Point Lace never let me go. I followed the fashion world in Romanian and studied Art and Design majoring in Fashion and Illustration. Since the Illustration followed me along. In New Zealand I started to illustrate for good and another developing passion became a new part of me. I created illustrations related to fashion illustration, cosmetic and beauty art, custom illustrations and give logo design a new face. 

On what are you working right now? Future projects?
I am working on a little zine on Romanian Point Lace pattern and, of course, illustrations. I focus a lot on fashion accessories like bags, purses and shoes as illustration. My last zine was High Heels Confidention and is available in my Etsy Shop (www.etsy.com/shop/BaleaRaitzART).

From what do you get your inspiration?
I find inspiration in everything: a tv show, music, art, fashion, new designs and my wonderful customers.

What art is for you? And what is your relationship with it? (Note one or more artists that inspire you)
I love art in general and I find beauty in almost every art. But I am an admired of Italian artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, Modigliani, etc... and I love Picasso. As far as it goes for fashion I admire a few illustrators like David Downtown.

What is the subject/object constantly painted in your works and why?
I am a huge fan of heels like every other woman on this planet, I guess. I catch myself illustrating shoes and bags...

How would you describe your own artistic style?
My style I guess is very realistic, contemporary and simple but with an original twist.

What do you think distinguishes you from other artists?
I let my heart speaks for itself and I have been told that my art is very bold, colorful and positive. It shows beauty and grace.

Your first work?
I had a few first work since I always work on a few pieces at the same time. My first work as an illustrator was to create custom envelopes for a wedding. It was a great fun. As a designer I has my first work at my former work place in Romania. I created one of a kind dresses for the high society and different balls. 

Which of your works you like the most?
I liked both illustration and design - I don't think I could pick. But at the moment I learn more towards illustration.

How do you get your concentration? Do you listen some music while you're working? Or do you follow a particular "ritual" before starting to work?
I guess music is my drive. It all depends on the project I work on. I like to listen Opera a lot. Maybe it's not the right type but it works well with me. 

There's a particular city in which you'd like to expose your works? And in which gallery or museum?
I would love to have my illustrations in some art galleries one day - I dream of New York, London, Rome, Madrid, Berlin etc...

A positive and a negative side of your job.
Positive: I meet new people and create for them, I love colors and I get to play with them all day; negative: sometimes a dateline can make it a bit stressful and it's always a challenge that turns out well. I don't really have something negative in my job.

My blog is basically focused on fashion. What fashion is for you? And how would you combine art and fashion?
I always combined art and fashion. I illustrate fashionable art and I create fashion as well. You can find  some of my fashion designs in my other blog http://www.invogueoneday.blogspot.com.au (look in the tool bar under Crochet & Knitwear and Ready to wear).

If someone proposes to you to work for a fashion house, for what brand or designer would you like to work with? And why?
I would love to work with Valentino (I know it's not the same since he left...), Armani, Dior, Chanel... I admire a lot these design houses and find it beautiful to keep haute couture alive.

What mean of communication do you prefer to share your creativity and your works?
I promote my art, fashion, illustrations with Facebook, Twitter, Blogs... www.invogueoneday.blogspot.com.au - www.balearaitz.blogspot.com.au.

The most funny things that is happened to you as artist.
I can't recall something funny that happened to me as an artist. It's maybe yet to come!

What do you suggest to those who want to pursue the career of illustrator?
Stay positive even in dry periods and illustrate, illustrate, illustrate...

A quote or a motto that defines you.
Since I remember I always used to say illustration is silent poetry. I even put it on a print to have it go down in history... I live for the beautiful, elegant things in life and I consider fashion related illustration a form of art like poetry... everything merges together and rhymes like in a poetry.

A greeting to the readers of Art & Expression.
I want to thank you all for reading about my work and for the support you give to Ladyfairy. I hope to find you in my shop and that I can custom illustrate for you. 
Let art be part of your life, it will lighten you up and it will make you stronger.

I hope you enjoyed her works as much as I did. If you want to know more about her you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinetrest or on these other sites www.zazzle.com/balearaitzart - www.society6.com/BaleaRaitzART. I wish her the best, she's so talented and kind... I'm so proud she gave me the chance to write about her. And as gift for all the readers of Ladyfairy's closet she decided to offer free shipping to all of you who want to purchase something in her shop. It's great isn't it?

I see you next month with other great artists, always with Art & Expression, on Ladyfairy's closet
Love, Ladyfairy

2 commenti:

  1. Adoro questa rubrica! Mi hai fatto conoscere tanti bravissimi artisti!! Come oggi, che begli sketches! Un bacio cara!

  2. Thank you so much! I am glad to be part of your feature!
    Keep up the good job!


Thank you for stoppping by and commenting my posts... With love, Ladyfairy!