
Felinia of Felinide

Art & Expression: Felinia

The protagonist of Art & Expression of march is Felinia, an amazing italian illustrator that I have discovered almost by chance few months ago. Her works are so beautiful and original that I couldn't not share them with all of you. It's a real pleasure for me to present to you the little "interview" she did for Ladyfairy's closet. 

We don't know a lot about her. Born in Brianza she growns up with a passion of everything relaetd to art (what she calls "artisticoso") and an unconditional love for cats; after being graduated at the art school, she develops her skills as humorous illustrator at the School of comics in Milan.
When your passion for art is born?
When I was young I loved so much to visit my grandma because she had pastels and I loved to stay hours to sketch on papers. I rember that since I was in first grade what I prefered the most to do were artistic laboratories... I think I was born with this passion, actually I'm pretty sure of that...

On what are you working right now? Future projects?
I've just finished a project, a collection of stripes readapted to paper that I will present next march 23 in Milan  and that will be soon available on-line and in bookstores.
For the future? I have projects... but I am scaramantic and I prefere not to talk about it. I'm afraid that if I talk about it attrack bad luck to me...

From what do you get your inspiration?
I might be trivial if I say it but the best source of inspiration is ordinary life. It's obviously that sometimes it comes suddenly when you don't expect it. Dreams are another big source of inspiration.

What art is for you? And what is your relationship with it? (Note one or more artists who inspire you)
Art is to me the ability to comunicate what you have inside... in every language. My relationship with it? We are close lovers! 

What is the subject/object constantly painted in your works and why?
Woman. Because female curves are the most sinous thing that exists in nature, after cats of course,  and because I don't like how modern society represents woman... too often she's traited like an object to be dispayed and sometimes like an unattainable goddess. Simply I try to represent her in a different way, like she really is... this means funny and human. I just hope to succeed.

How would you describe your own artistic style?
Humorous and, sometimes, insane.

What do you think distinguishes you from other artists?
Every artist is different, unless he copies. Honestly, I don't know how distinguishes me from others but maybe I shouldn't say it. 

Your first work?
Do you mean my first professional work? I worked as illustrator for wedding invitations... but at that time I didn't own a computer and I colored everything with pastels.

Which of your works you like the most?
I realize to love a work when it gets stolen from me, for the rest I don't think I'm loyal to nothing in particular.

How do you get your concentration? Do you listen some music while you're working? Or do you follow a particular "ritual" before starting to work?
Night is the best moment to find concentration... there's no noises and it's so poetic. But I don't listen any particular music, it depends by periods. The only rite I follow is drink coffe and eat chocolate before start to work, it puts me in a good mood and I work better.

There's a particular city in which you'd like to expose your works? And in which gallery or museum?
I've never thought about that before and I don't think to be so good for exhibitions or galleries. We wait a few years and than we'll see...

A positive and a negative side of your job.
The good sides are not many, but if I have to quote one I'd say that I don't consider it a job because it's what I've always dreamed to do;  the only negative side is that you have to stay many hours sitting and it make your ass flat and it also causes cervical.

My blog is basically focused on fashion. What fashion is for you? And how would you combine art and fashion?
I'm totally ignorant about fashion. I buy new clothes every two years and if I do it it's because my own clothes cy mercy... art and fashion? I don't know, I'm not actually prepared on this field. 

If someone proposes to you to work for a fashion house, for what brand or designer would you like to work with? And why?
 As I said earlier I don't know much about fashion, but I think I'd like to create something innovative, maybe in my own style, a little bit funny.

What mean of communicationdo you prefere to share your creativity and your works?
Web. But even paper it's not bad.

The most funny thing that happened to you as artist.
I could tell you a lot of anecdotes, but this is the best... "Ahw! So have I to pay you for this little drawing?"

What do you suggest to those who want to pursue the career of illustrator?
That it's not easy, but they have to keep believe because sooner or later the chance arrives. And if it happens it better to take it.

A quote or a motto that defines you.
Life is too short to spend it hating... I try to repeat it every time that someone makes me angry.

A greeting to the readers of Ladyfairy's closet.
Even if I don't know you guys, I love you all!

I hope you enjoyed her works as much as I did. If you want to know more about her you can find her on her blog (http://felinide.blogspot.it) and on Facebook. She's so talented and kind... I'm so proud she gave me the chance to write about her, I wish her all the best.

As for me, I see you next month with other great artists, always with Art & Expression, on Ladyfairy's closet

Love, Ladyfairy

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Thank you for stoppping by and commenting my posts... With love, Ladyfairy!