
Livia of Livia Illustrations

Art & Expression

Hi, guys! The protagonist of this month of Art & Expression is a young parisian illustrator, so elegant and talented. I've found her few time ago and I immediately fell in love with her amazing works, from which transpires the artistic tecnhique and that style typically french that I love so much. Her name is Livia and it's a real pleasure to me to introduce her to all of you through this little interview she did for Ladyfairy's closet.

When did you approach with art?
As my mum is a painter, I have always been surrounded by art. Since I am a kid, I belong to the art universe. I loved going in my mum workshop every day to draw and paint with her. I was going very often to museums or in art gallery and loved that.

What does stimulate you creatively?
A lot of things in my life stimulate my creativity, especially all the things I see during my travels as the landscapes, the animals, the people and the colors. I need also to discover other artists to give me the desire to go further.

If you should describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
Curios, unsatisfied, adventurous.

The artist or artists whom inspire you the most.
In fashion, I would say Alexander McQueen and Iris Van Harper who are both so creative and have such inspiring universe. For drawing, it's Egon Shield and Hans Bellmer; their drawings are so intense and fluid at the same time.

How would you describe your style?
I work the drawing in its classic expression to belong to the closest to the expressions and the materials while keeping as priority argument the fashionable essential modernity. I try also to be poetic and even sometimes a bit surreal

Stefano Benni, a famous italian writer, says that "art is escape from normalcy that wants to eat you". What art is to you? And what relationship do you have with it?
I completely agree with him. When I draw, I am so focused on my work and on what I intend to do that it enables me to escape from my real life. I definitely need these kinds of moments.

Your secret artistic wish?
To succeed in doing what I love.

On what are you working right now?
I am doing cut and past with insect and female

Your artworks represent female body, often accompanied by animal figures. Why?

Female and animals are very similar and very complementary. Animals are a inexhaustible source of inspiration by their morphology and their texture. For me, animals are poetic and help us to escape. 

What kind of relationship do you have with your femininity?
There are so many different ways to be feminine... For me, it's more in the attitude than in the way you dress. I am very well with my femininity but not in the <<girly way>>.

Tell us about the creative process behind your creations.

When I work, I plunge into the universe of the creation that I am working on by surrounding me with decorations, colors, landscapes and, naturally, fashion pictures. I am totally immersed in my subject.

Future projects.
Try to communicate more about my work, it's the most difficult thing for me.

My blog is basically focused on fashion. What fashion means to you? And how do you relate with it?
I studied style and textile creation in a Parisian school. Now, I work in a fashion brand so I am connected to fashion every day. What I love in fashion, it is more the way to do it than the final product. I love when fashion is art.

A truthful advice from a young artist to a young artist: what is the main ingredient?
Believe in what you do and do what you love.

A greeting to the readers of Ladyfairy's closet.
Thank you spending time reading, let's art be a part of your life!

If you look at her artworks you can't help to love them as much as I did. If you want to know more about this amazing artist you can find her on her own webiste and  on her facebook page. I wish to her all the best. 

Well, that's all guys! See you next time!

1 commento:

  1. super cute

    Twitter: @Amandachic_ instagram: @Amanda_Chic

    A chic kiss ;)


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