
Odi et Amo: Anna Dello Russo's bad taste

Hi, guys! Taking advantage of a relatively lazy day and a fatigue of which I'm prey for days, I decided to take a little break from the daily routine and update my blog. And since I feel particularly inspired, I wheeled out a column I didn't take care of for a while: Odi et Amo. Protagonist of this month, the undisputed queen of trash, master in the art of exceed and provoque and muse of every transgender and no, I'm not talking about Lady Gaga who, however, in term of weirnedd knows her stuff. No, I'm talking about the inimitable, the one and only (thankfully) Anna Dello Russo and her, let's say, "particular" style.

Class 1962, at the rip old age of 51, Anna Piaggi's legitimate heir, she is one of those people who are not satisfied to be just trendy, who are more than a simple fashion addicted... we can say that the relationship between Anna and fashion is more similar to a possession... a fashion possessed. Active for more than a 25 years in the field of fashion journalism, fashion editor of Vogue Japan, she is considered a style icon by the trendsetters all over the world, and undoubtedly she's good in her job. She understood immediately the power that excess has on masses (Madonna docet) and she made of it her personal trademark. There is nothing wrong in a bit of excess, isn't it? After all excess sells and Anna knows it.

This her extrem estrus allowed her to build, during the years, a real character, a middle way between Peter Pan and Alice and Wonderland, being at the same time Alice and Peter Pan, Captain Hook and Red Queen, Wendy and Cheshire Cat, White Rabbit and Mad Hatter, but also Caterpillar and Crocodile... assuming the guise of an eternal child trapped in the body of an adult, that's fine until your age is around twenties.

Taking a look to the outfits shown off in the last 10 years, is eveident how her extravagant but glam style is slowly expired into an open bad taste that she shows off with enviable naturalness and ease but that break every balance, turning on from cool to ridi-cool. For the series when too is too much!

And ok, Anna, that's fine that you work in Japan and there extravagant rules, it's fine that you are in the fashion industry for a while and you have every right to have your say, it's fine the desire to provoke and experiment, but frankly I think that if you are fifty years played, wearing inguinal skirts, schoolgirl dresses, hats that defy the laws of gravity, studded booties and outfit stolen from a teenager's closet, is pretty ridiculous and that, please do not hate me for that, would be appropriate to pass the baton someone else.

Well, to be honest, I can't decide if what I feel for her style is more odi or amo, if on the one hand I think that psychiatric clinics are her natural environment (although I must admit that, occasionally, she's illuminated by some flash of lucidity), on the other hand I have to admit I find her so hilarious and almost tender... the same tenderness that you can feel for an alcoholic prey to the fumes of alchol, because, after all, she is a person who doesn't take herself too seriously. How forget "Fashion showe" (or fescion sciauer, as she pronounces it), the song recorded for the commercial of the collection created in coolaboration with H&M. With that broken english, so funny to hear, she dances (or at least she tries to dance), giving life to something that no one will never miss but that could be the springboard for starting a new whole carreer as comedian.

That you love or hate her there's no doubt that Anna Dello Russo marked not only fashion industry but also the modern costumes. And looking forward to see what she's going to invent in the future, join a short selection of her most absurd outifts... and while you're there what do you say to take a cool fashion shower!

Ladyfairy's on Polyvore
#annadellorusso #vogue #fashioneditor #odietamo #ladyfairysclosetblog

3 commenti:

  1. I don;t really like her style. I find that she tries really hard and you can see it. It does not seam that it;'s natural put together. It;s a bit toooooo much thinking to me. Anna Piaggi for example was perfect with it. When ages kicks in you need to go along with it and not push it away.
    Iris Apple - pure extravagance and it works with Anna I'm not sure what the right word might be!


Thank you for stoppping by and commenting my posts... With love, Ladyfairy!