
Berlin art week 2012

As you may have guessed, among my passions, there's not only fashion but also art. That's why I couldn't not to share this post with you. It officially starts today the first Berlin Art Week, a kermesse that will take place in the german capital from September 11th to 16th. This special event wants to be an exchange platform among artists, places and insitutions and increase the role of the city as important center of contemporary art. 

For this purpose it will gather into a one solution the PREVIEW and the ABC fairs and it will propose exhibitions, installations, parties, events and seminars at istitutions, museums like Nue Nationalgalerie, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Akademie der Kunste, Haus der Kulturen der Welt and other more hundred galleries scattared throughout the city. 

Protagonist of this event, off the record, is the chilean artist Alfredo Jaar, who will give a lecture called "It is difficult" at the modern Berlinsche Galerie, present in three art palces (Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlinsche Galerie and Neue Gesellschaft) with a retrospective dedicated to him that also shows off the inedited works of his berlin period, like the series of pictures of  the Brandenburger Tor immediately after the fall of the wall, and his political works about the genocide in Rwanda or about Nelson Mandela's policy. 

The Berlin Art Week will also give the chance to know more other berlin-based artists as the photographer Jorg Sasse or discover other international works like the videoinstallation of the scottish  Douglas Gordon or the living dolls by Morton Bartlett present at Hamburger Banhof. I suggest you to not miss the inauguration of St. Agne Church, became a poliedric expositive space and the opening of Boros and Hoffman Collections, enriched by new acquisitions. 

An event to not miss for who, like me, is an art lover and is lucky enough to be in the city. 
What do you think about?

2 commenti:

  1. che bell'evento, mi piacerebbe andarci:) Un bacio e buona giornata cara:*

  2. hey great blog !
    maybe we can follow each other if you like !? let me know :-) greetings from germany www.yuliekendra.com


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