
Svelati i segreti dei make up artist - IL VISO review

Some times ago I received a collaboration request by the blogger Maria Carmela Trovato of ilmiomakeup.it, that took the form of a post about the colored hair trend (of which I talked about here). I like collaborations with other bloggers, I like to interact with them and valorise their work, giving them space on my blog. Well, to thank me for my collaboration she made me a nice gift: the preview of her first free ebook "Svelati i segreti dei make up artist - IL VISO" ("Revealed the secrets of make up artists -  THE FACE"), available on her web site. 

I promised to her that I would write a review about it but, before did it, I carefully followed her advices, trying them on my self, using brushes, powder and foundation. Now, I'm ready! The book is the first of a series (I have been assured that there will be other ones), is well structured , perfect for who, like me, is not exactly a make up artist and essays with make up with some prudery, it's fluent and explains well the moves and the tricks to exalt your face in the best way.
From primer to councelor, from foundation to illuminant, the book has  section dedicated to every product with a list of advices, really helpful for a perfect make up base!
A thing that that I discovered thanks to the book, is that the  illuminant should be spread on the chin (who knows that?), and other great tricks to reuse products that I don't use or I don't particularly like. 

I've never been a huge fan of make up. I always used just mascara and, sometimes, a bit of blush, but reading this book I learn how to use make up and exalt my face. I suggest you to download it, in my opinion is a great source for those who want to learn more about make up, it's easy and fluent and plus, it's free! And don't forget to visit the blog, you'll find some great advices to realize the best make up for you. 

What you waiting for?

4 commenti:

  1. LOVELY post:) I thank you for sweet words on my blog.

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  2. molto interessante e soprattutto utile! anche io ho un blog, che ne dici di passare? mi farebbe molto piacere!


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